Four years ago I was not pursuing art as a career. Before the world stopped I was still wondering what I was going to do next... But it took my getting sick with a mystery illness, and my being off of work for me to say to myself I don't want to die not doing what I feel I was born to do. So here I am, I am very much still finding myself, figuring out my style and embracing all that comes with this strange trip I call the Art Life. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

  • The 90's Culture

    I was lucky enough to enter my teenage years in the 90's which to me was a decade that shaped so much of our culture today. From the music, the movies, the fashion, the colours (to name a few things), I owe much of who I am to that space in time. This time is also where I really solidified my love for art.

  • Skateboarding

    From the first moment I stepped on a board to this very day I have been in love with skateboarding. The rush, the calm, the challenge, the blood sweat and tears helps drive my creativity and open my mind. I credit skating for providing me the clarity to allow ideas to flow. Thank you skateboarding.

  • Comics and Graffiti

    My deep love for drawing comes from turning the pages of comic books and the clicking of a spraypaint can being shaken up. I credit these two art forms for sparking this flame inside of me. I only hope I can give back a fraction of that energy through what I create.

  • Music

    As cliche as it may sound, music has been a big influence in my art. From listening to what I deem as the wildest era in hip hop, to going to raves and being entranced by house music, or cranking up some grunge rock music and locking into my headphones to draw... my musical taste will always be as diverse as my artworks, a little discheveled, raw, and hopefully a direct refelction of my vibe and what I can't put into words myself